Lancaster Puppies Reviews - Feel free to browse hundreds of active classified puppy for sale listings, from dog. He was professional, provided up to date vaccinations and allowed me to see the mother. On sitejabber, lancaster puppies reviews currently sit at a 3.47/5 star average with reviewers ranking “service” and “value” as the top attributes of the online classified puppy. Since lancaster puppies is a middleman and doesn’t deal with the breeding or caring for puppies, they are not responsible for any genetic defects or health problems that may arise. Lancaster puppies advertises puppies for sale in pa, as well as ohio, indiana, new york and other states. Keystone puppies has a consumer rating of 4.69 stars from 109 reviews indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases., lancaster puppies do not purchase puppies from, or jdirts2684 on lancaster puppies. Lancaster puppies has a consumer rating of 3.71 stars from 104 reviews indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. I purchased the sweetest whoodle from lancaster puppies’ daniel fisher in leola a few days ago. We require that every breeder listing on our site. At lancaster puppies we do everything we can to ensure that all of the puppies advertised on our site are bred in safe, loving environments. The scam detector's algorithm finds having an authoritative rank of 58.1. It means that the business is active. Founded in 2008 and based in lancaster, pennsylvania, lancaster puppies is one of the most popular online puppy sellers, with over two million visitors to its website each.
On sitejabber, lancaster puppies reviews currently sit at a 3.47/5 star average with reviewers ranking “service” and “value” as the top attributes of the online classified puppy. It means that the business is active. Lancaster puppies has a consumer rating of 3.71 stars from 104 reviews indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. We require that every breeder listing on our site., lancaster puppies do not purchase puppies from, or jdirts2684 on lancaster puppies.